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Opening Hours

9.30 am - 4.30 pm


Due to staff shortages we are closed on Sundays until further notice.


2014 Rural Co Supplier Awards
Annie's Country Quilt Store Ltd
Runner Up:  Emerging Business Award 2014


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Annie's Ramblings 4th March 2035

 Hi there.

Well, we have ticked off another month and it seems we are officially into Autumn, but with temperatures fluctuating from 32 to 11 degrees, deciding how many layers to put on is something to keep us guessing!
As we have ticked off another month, I am happy to tell you that the winner of the $50.00 voucher from Annie’s for February is Julie Kelly from Geraldine. Congratulations Julie, your voucher is here waiting for you! Want to know 4 3 25 1how to enter the draw? Just fill out a form at the counter each time to make a purchase from Annie’s.

The shop has been busy and it has been great to see so many overseas visitors from all over the world. We have had lots of lovely books arrive including Sue Spargo’s latest “Trade Winds” ($69.00) which provides you with an amazing underwater view of sea creatures without ever getting wet! The creativity, use of colour and thread is truly inspirational.

The latest edition of Quilters Companion has also arrived with a number of really great quilt projects and good value for just $15.30.

I have been busy working on my version of the Happyland Block of the Month quilt designed by Anni Downs from Hatched and Patched. I am up to hand-quilting stage using a variaged pearl 8 thread for this (EZM03), and I am looking forward to being able to show you the finished quilt soon!

4 3 25 2I've still have places available in the BOM program if you are keen to sign up with us. It $53.00 per month for the 12 month program. The background fabrics, wools and linens in the quilt are exactly the same as the original quilt and everything is included except for the thread and the backings.

Other H&P block of the month programs that we have available also include “Dancing Chickens and Flying Pigs”, “Santa the Tree, the Turkey and Me”.

More beautiful Tana Lawn fabrics have arrived from Liberty and these have been added to our website, and we also have a good stash of Liberty cottons. These fabrics make beautiful quilts, bags and clothes. Small scraps can also be used and combined with other fabrics for a little pop of colour and luxury.

The “Alice’s Wonderland Sampler Quilt” book ($59.90) is great inspiration for using Liberty fabrics and the instructions are easy to follow for you to complete the whole quilt or pick and choose your favourite blocks
Now..on to the recipe. If you have a good supply of lemons this is a deliciously rich desert which is a perfect after dinner treat served with a dollop of lemon curd, and some whipped cream, icecream or mascarpone.

Lemon Dessert Bar

  • 1 ½ c caster sugar
  • 1 ½ c plain flour
  • 250 g butter
  • 4 large eggs
  • Zest of two large lemons
  • ¼ c lemon juice
  • Icing sugar to dust

Line a 20cm slice tin with baking paper and preheat your oven to 175C on fan bake.
Cream the butter and sugar together until light and creamy and then slowly add the flour.
In a separate bowl beat whisk the egg whites lemon zest and juice. Add to the creamed mixture and beat to combine.
Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for about 25 minutes or until lightly golden.
Cut into bars and dust with icing sugar. Serve when cool with cream, or icecream and decorate with a sprig of mint or a slice or candied lemon or peel.

Happy eating and stitching!
Rachel and the team at Annie’s.
03 3076 277